


جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا - جميع أقسام الهندسة
  • الفيديوهات

    60 فيديو

  • المدة

    20:55 ساعة

  • تكلفة الميد

    15 دينار أردني

  • تكلفة الفاينل

    15 دينار أردني

  • تكلفة المادة

    25 دينار أردني


مدرس المادة

Faisal Inaya
مدرس في منصة E-Tollab
وسائل التواصل

معلومات المادة



مدرس المادة

Faisal Inaya
مدرس في منصة E-Tollab
وسائل التواصل

معلومات المادة


فيديوهات الموقع

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1. 1 introduction
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2. 2 classical thermodynamics
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3. 3 system and surrounding
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4. 4 properties and state
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5. 5 process and quasi-equilibrium
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6. 6 steady flow process and temperature
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7. 7 pressure
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8. 8 variation with dipth
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9. 9 more examples
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1. 1 fisrst law of thermodynamics components - energy
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2. 2 point functions and path functions
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3. 3 examples
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4. 4 efficiency
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1. 1 pure subctance
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2. 2 phase change
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3. 3 P-v diagram
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4. 4 P-T diagram - internal energy and enthalpy
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5. 5 properties tables
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6. 6 examples
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7. 7 more examples
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8. 8 ideal gases and its examples
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9. 9 compressibility factor
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10. 10 examples on the last section
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11. 11 final example on the last section
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1. 1 boundary work
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2. 2 area under P-v diagram and polytropic process
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3. 3 examples
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4. 4 more examples and specific heat
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5. 5 Cp and Cv
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6. 6 how to solve the last two equations
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7. 7 approximation method and exact method
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8. 8 examples
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1. 1 mass flow rate and volume flow rate
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2. 2 nozzle-diffuser and turbine-compressor
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3. 3 throttling valve-mixing champer-heat exchanger
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4. 4 pipe and duct flow
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5. 5 unsteady flow process
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6. 6 examples on unsteady flow
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7. MVI_9060
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1. 1 second law of thermodynamics
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2. 2 heat engine and thermal efficiency
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3. 3 refrigerator and heat pump
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4. 4 examples and reversible process
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5. 5 irreversibilities
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6. 6 carnot cycle
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1. 1 clausius inequality
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2. 2 entropy change
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3. 3 increase of intropy principle
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4. 4 properties diagram including intropy
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5. 5 examples
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6. 6 more examples for water and R-134a
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7. 7 ideal gases and incompressible subctances
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8. 8 examples on ideal gases
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9. 9 more examples on ideal gases
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10. 10 last example on ideal gases
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11. 11 reversible work
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12. 12 minimizing compressor work
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13. 13 example in the previous section
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14. 14 isentropic efficiency
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15. MVI_91431

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