Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry

جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا - قسم الكيمياء
  • الفيديوهات

    58 فيديو

  • المدة

    31:18 ساعة

  • تكلفة الميد

    15 دينار أردني

  • تكلفة الفاينل

    15 دينار أردني

  • تكلفة المادة

    25 دينار أردني


مدرس المادة

Mohammed Nour Alwaked
مدرس في منصة E-Tollab
وسائل التواصل

معلومات المادة


مدرس المادة

Mohammed Nour Alwaked
مدرس في منصة E-Tollab
وسائل التواصل

معلومات المادة

فيديوهات الموقع

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فيديو مجاني
1. 1-Analytical Process 1
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2. 2-Analytical Process 2
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1-Data Handling and spread sheets- Accuracy and Precision
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2. 2-Accuracy
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3. 3- Precision
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4. 4-Type of Errors - part one
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5. 5-Type of Errors-part two
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6. 6-Signifieant Figures-part one
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7. 7-Signifieant Figures-part two
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8. 8-The Confidence Limite - part one
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9. 9-The Confidence Limite - part two
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10. 10-Test of Significance (F-Test and T-Test ) -part one
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11. 11-Test of Significance (F-Test and T-Test ) -part two
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12. 12-Test of Significance (F-Test and T-Test ) -part three
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13. 13-Rejection of Results Q- Test part one
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14. 14-Rejection of Results Q- Test part two
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1- Stoichiomeric Calculations
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2. 2-Analytical and equilibrium Concentration -part one
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3. 3-Analytical and equilibrium Concentration (Dilution)- part two
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4. 4-Expression of Analytical Result's-part one
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5. 5-Expression of Analytical Result's-part two
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6. 6-Expression of Analytical Result's-part three
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7. 7-Expression of Analytical Result's and Volumetric Analysis-part four
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8. 8-Reqiurements for Successful Titration and Primary Standard Material (PRM )
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9. 9-Classification of volumetric Titration and Purity - part one
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10. 10-Classification of volumetric Titration and Purity - part two
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11. 11-Classification of volumetric Titration(EDTA)
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12. 12-Titer
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13. 13-Weight Relationships and Gravimatric
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1- General Concepte of Chemical Equilibrium-part one
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2. 2-Type of Chemical Equilibrium
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3. 3- Lechatelier's Principle-part one
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4. 4- Lechatelier's Principle and Completeness of Reaction -part two
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5. 5-Equilibrium Constant for Dissociating or Compiring Species Weak Electrolytes and Preciptates - part two
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6. 6- Calculations Using Equilibrium Constat - part one (Introduction)
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1-Acid-Base Equilibrium-part one
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2. 2-PH at Elerated Tempreature
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3. 3-Weak Acids and Bases
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4. 4-Buffer Solutions (Introduction) -part one
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5. 5-Buffer Solutions and Buffer Mechanism ( Buffer Capacity ,Buffer index , Buffer intensity )-part two
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6. 6-Buffer Solutions and Buffer Mechanism ( Buffer Capacity ,Buffer index , Buffer intensity )-part three
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7. 7-Polyprotic Acid and There Salt's - part one
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8. 8-Polyprotic Acid and There Salt's(Mass Palance Equation)- part two
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9. 9-Polyprotic Acid and There Salt's and (Amphiprotic Substance)- part three
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10. 10-Diverse Ion Effects on Acids & Bases
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1. 1- Acid-Base Titration ( Introduction Strong acid vs Strong Base)-part one
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2. 2- Acid-Base Titration ( Introduction Strong acid vs Strong Base)-part two
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3. 3-Detection of End Point (Indicator)
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4. 4-Weak Acid vs Strong Base-part one
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5. 5-Weak Base vs Strong Acid
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6. 6-Amphiprotic
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7. 7-Titration Carve of Polyprotic Acid-part one
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8. 9-Titration Carve of Polyprotic Acid-part two
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1-Complexometric Reaction and Titration-part one
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2. 3-Complexometric Reaction and Titration(EDTA)-part three
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1-Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibrium-part one
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2. 2-Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibrium-part two
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3. 3-Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibrium(Calculations)-part three

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