


جامعة اليرموك - قسم الرياضيات
  • الفيديوهات

    70 فيديو

  • المدة

    35:24 ساعة

  • تكلفة الميد

    15 دينار أردني

  • تكلفة الفاينل

    15 دينار أردني

  • تكلفة المادة

    25 دينار أردني


مدرس المادة

Hammad Selawe
مدرس في منصة E-Tollab
وسائل التواصل

معلومات المادة


مدرس المادة

Hammad Selawe
مدرس في منصة E-Tollab
وسائل التواصل

معلومات المادة

فيديوهات الموقع

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فيديو مجاني
1. Introduction To System of Linear Equations and Matrices
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2. 2. Reduced Row Echelon Form and Row Echelon Form
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3. 3.Convert the Matrix To reduced row echelon form and row echelon form
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4. 4. Solve the Systems of Linear Equations (Part 1)
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5. 5. Solve the Systems of Linear Equations (Part 2)
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6. 6. (Part 1) اسْلة المجاهليل
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7. 7. (Part 2) اسْلة المجاهليل
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8. 8. Homogeneous Linear Systems
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9. 9. Matrices and Matrix Operations (Part 1)
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10. 10. Matrices and Matrix Operations (Part 2)
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11. 11Transpose and Trace of the matrix (part 1)
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12. 11.Transpose and Trace of the matrix (Part 2)
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13. 12 Identity Matrix
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1 Determinants (Introduction)
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2. 2 Finding Determinants by Cofactor Expansion (Part1)
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3. 3 Finding Determinants by Cofactor Expansion (Part2)
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4. 4 Determinants by Cofactor Expansion (Part3)
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5. 5 Effects of Row Operations on Determinants
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6. 6 Finding Determinant by Row Reduction
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7. 7 Properties of Determinants (Part1)
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8. 8 Properties of Determinants (Part2)
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9. 9 Adjoint Matrix (Part1)
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10. 10 Adjoint Matrix (Part2)
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11. 11 Adjoint Matrix (Part3)
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12. 12 Cramer's Rule
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1 Introduction To Vector Space (Part1)
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2. 2 Introduction To Vector Space (Part2)
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3. 3 Zero and Negative of V (Part1)
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4. 4 Zero and Negative of V (Part2)
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5. 5 Real Vector Space (Part1)
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6. 6 Real Vector Space (Part2)
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7. 7 Real Vector Space (Part3)
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8. 8 Subspaces
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9. 9 Linear Combination
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10. 10 Spanning Set (Part1)
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11. 11 Spanning Set (Part2)
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12. 12 Linear Independence (Part1)
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13. 13 Linear Independence (Part2)
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14. 14 Linear Independence for the Functions (Wronskian)
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15. 15 Basis
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16. 16 Coordinates
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17. 17 Basis and Dimension for General sets (Part1)
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18. 18 Basis and Dimension for General sets (Part2)
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19. 19 Basis and Dimension for Solution Space of Homogeneous Systems (Ax0)
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20. 20 Row Space, Column Space, Null Space, Rank and Nullity (Part1)
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21. 21 Row Space, Column Space, Null Space, Rank and Nullity (Part2)
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22. 22 Row Space, Column Space, Null Space, Rank and Nullity (Part3)
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23. 23 Row Space, Column Space, Null Space, Rank and Nullity (Part4)
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (Part1)
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2. 2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (Part2)
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3. 3 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (Part3)
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4. 4 Characteristic Polynomials
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5. Cayley Hamilton Theorem
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6. 5 Diagonalizations
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7. 6 Similarity
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8. 7 Power of the Matrix (Part1)
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9. Power of the Matrix (Part 2)
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10. Algebraic Multiplicity and Geometric Multiplicity
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فيديو مجاني
1. 1 Linear Transformations (Part 1)
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2. 2 Linear Transformations (Part 2)
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3. 3 Linear Transformations (Part 3)
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4. 4 Kernel, Range, Rank and Nullity of Linear Transformations (Part 1)
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5. Kernel, Range, Rank and Nullity of Linear Transformations (Part 3)
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6. 5 Kernel, Range, Rank and Nullity of Linear Transformations (Part 2)
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7. 6 Matrix Transformations
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8. 7 The Inverse of Linear Transformations
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9. 8 Composition of Linear Transformations (T1 ْT2)
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10. 9 Rank and Nullity of Linear Transformations
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11. 10 Finding the Formula of Linear Transformations
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12. Finding the Formula of Linear Transformation

مواد مقترحة

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